Thursday, November 5, 2009

It's like real life Etsy!!

I reeehhheeealllly wanna go to this on Saturday, but I think my day is pretty booked...  Someone please go and tell me all of the beautiful things you found.  And, while you're there, eat an Irma's burger and a Mary Poppins cupcake from Cuppies and Joe for me... but don't tell me about those... I might punch you in a fit of jealousy.   *really missing the City right about now*

PS.  I saw that Jessica totally called me out about the lack of Halloween posting.  Pops just emailed me some pictures from the weekend, so that post is coming tonight or tomorrow.  For everyone else who really wants some fall time cuteness, check out Parker in his adorable little man sweater.  Seriously, I'm dying from cute overload!


danielle said...

i know!!! a bunch of my friends from high school are going, but our weekend is full! lets plan to go next year!!!

Anonymous said...

omg i totally want to go to this!! and thanks for giving p a shout out! that was too funny. miss u!